2 results for
  • Retro Board Update

    Well after a couple of months of coding ive got about 50% through doing reto-board, major progress has been made, it is now techniclly possible to sign up for it,

    you can’t yet make any boards, but there an example version of what a board will look like non of the functionality works in the example

    it took quite a while for me to get the login to work, and the main reason to that is undocumented bits that I had to get working myself, for example “can I do this / userAllowed” is not a standard feature it seems at least not in the golang libraries for keycloak, so I had to go down a very long and winding path

    retro-board projects Created Sat, 19 Feb 2022 13:50:20 +0000
  • Retro Board

    Well I’ve started another project, retro-board.it this is just going to be a very simple app, that has a couple of options

    Initial Signin

    1. Ask the user what the Company name is, this is to create a subdomain with that company name (if it doesnt already exist) - if the company name already exists then enter the password for the domain
    2. Ask the user for a Team name
    3. Ask if they would like to use single sign-on (Google | Github) or accounts

    Team Board Setup

    The team board starts with the following options

    retro-board projects chewedfeed Created Mon, 06 Dec 2021 15:31:36 +0000