/Integrating Vault with 1Password in Kubernetes

Created Mon, 10 Jan 2022 17:14:04 +0000

Integrating Vault with 1Password in Kubernetes

I decided that I should probably get a real handle on my passwords and secrets in kubernetes, since kubernetes is not very good at keeping secrets

So I don’t generally take a helm chart or kube-schema at face value, this has more to do with I prefer to keep things in their own namespace rather than in “default”, because of this I tend to clone the chart first

My kubernetes cluster is both ARM64 and AMD64 as such, I try to only run things that have both sets of images, but if there is no ARM version then I have a fallback at least, I also use longhorn as my storage solution becuase of its ability to adapt

How I got it working

The following is all steps that I took, they aren’t perfect, but it is working

Install Vault

I used helm for this, with my own twist

      memory: 256Mi
      memory: 512Mi
    enabled: true
    storageClass: longhorn
    enabled: true
    storageClass: longhorn

  enabled: true
  serviceType: LoadBalancer
  externalPort: 80

  config: |
    ui = true
    listener "tcp" {
      tls_disable = 1
      address = "[::]:8201"
      cluster_address = "[::]:8201"
    storage "file" {
      path = "/vault/data"
    plugin_directory = "/vault/data/plugins"    
helm install vault hashicorp/vault --namespace vault -f vault.yml

this enables me to use longhorn’s storage class, and turns on the UI

Install OnePassword Connect

The guide is pretty good on there, the only difference is I wanted it installed in the Vault namespace

helm install connect 1password/connect \
	--set-file connect.credentials=1password-credentials.json \
	--namespace vault

Install OnePassword Vault Backend

I did this part quite different, because I’m using longhorn as my storage I know that its persistent so I can login to the vault image and change the file structure

So the first thing I did was go into the kubernetes dashboard (rather than doing it through terminal direct, and mounting it as a proxy), and then opened a terminal into the vault pod

Because I have my vault running on ARM nodes, I wget the ARM zip, unzipped into the correct folder, renamed the file that comes out of the zip to op-connect, rather than vault-plugin-secrets-onepassword_v1.0.0

Then I followed the instructions in the guide

As I say this isn’t a perfect guide, but hopefully it helps others and me when I rebuild my cluster in the future

Series: kubernetes